Core Values


Temba is dedicated towards building wealth the right way, upholding an honor code and prioritizing high moral standards. We don’t sacrifice the long-term good for short-term gain.


Temba makes the extra effort, practices continuous improvement, and stays flexible to adapt to changing circumstances. Our team has a combination of experience and fresh minds to drive the company towards new horizons.


Temba strives to build partnerships with like-minded entrepreneurs from all backgrounds whose mission aligns with the ambitions of our shareholders. 

Respect for People

Temba aims at improving the lives of our shareholders while positively impacting the communities in which they live. We focus on fairness, trust and respect for our investors through our open-door policy.

Opening Doors of Opportunity

Through identifying and matching investment opportunities with entrepreneurs, there will be increased access to capital and markets for investors and shareholders.  

Social Responsibility

Temba has a laser focus on solid financial returns coupled with social and environmental benefit. We support philanthropic giving and encourage employee volunteerism.

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